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Maximum 8 students per Masterclass, considering the order of application.

Enrollment fee for active participants: 70 euros.

Enrollment fee for listeners: 20 euros. 

6 hours lesson per day.

Each participant will have two classes, schedule to be defined by the teacher in the session on the first day.

Participants will be admitted by order of enrollment.

Fees will not be returned in case of non-attendance.

For more information:


Bank transfer (IBAN PT50 0010 0000 5121 7990 0016 5 / BIC BBPIPTPL / Banco BPI – Balcão Foz – Praça do Império) writing the name of the participant and category.

Check payable to CMSM – Curso de Música Silva Monteiro, Lda.

Paypal (click here)


(In case of having)

Students can enroll in 1 to 4 masterclasses, payment should be made accordingly.

Drop your file here or click here to upload

GDPR - compliant privacy notice

Complying with article 5.º of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, and with article 79.º of the Portuguese Civil Code, we would like to kindly ask for your consent regarding the treatment of your personal data.

Please be advised that images and sound may be collected, streamed and/or recorded during the event for broadcasting, marketing or informative purposes. If you do not consent please inform us so that we can take appropriate steps to ensure your request.

Contact Permission